![[ Who Does the Dishes Tonight? ] Seen @ SELFRIDGES : LONDON : Oxford Street : England, UK](http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5292/5405640971_f1c912ee83_o.jpg)
hey folks, i'm taking a break this week from the nerdy motivation posts, and just wanted to give you a thumbs-up!
most of life is hard work, and i am certain that you are getting a fair load yourself. sometimes, it's hard to believe that any of the small details are worth the effort, or that anyone even notices your work.
rest assured, it is almost always worth it. the single load of dishes, the first blog post, the half-lap around the lake; baby steps add up, and they have value.
i may not know exactly what you're working towards, or how well you're keeping up with your goals, but that doesn't mean i can't encourage you. sometimes, what we need to keep going is a positive word, and i'm here to give you one.
WAY TO GO! keep going, friends.
maybe you've lost track of your progress, or let your goal slide to the side. hey, it's understandable. we're busy people, even on the normal days, and sometimes, forward motion feels impossible.
by this point in the year, most new year's resolutions are forgotten or given up on.
DON'T GIVE UP. take a look at your goal list again, and find a small step you can take today that will move you closer to where you want to be. remember, baby steps add up!
listen, i'll be real transparent here. one of my goals for the year is to blog consistently, and to create new content for myself and for you. it's a tricky thing, because i'm not quite sure what i want to write about, and i'm afraid of coming across as awkward or nerdy.
but i think i'm working through both of those fears, and one of the things that keeps me coming back is the page views and the comments. last week, i had a couple of comments that really encouraged me to keep going.
and now i'm passing that encouragement on to you.
go get'em, friends!
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