about me

it's a strange thing to offer an autobiography to the general public, but i suppose i shall give it a full effort.

i'm a Florida girl, born and raised in the sunshine state, with a love for flip-flops and the sandy shores. i've had a knack for writing as long as i can remember, and a passion for creativity and self-expression that finally found a home in crafting and this here blog.

i'm blessed to be the mother of two (one yet to be born), and the wife of a godly man, all of whom make me long to build a comfortable home, a haven away from the world, where love and laughter are the rule and not the exception.

i believe in the absolute authority of one Creator God, who by his mercy, sent his son as a sacrifice to pay for my rebellion and reunite me to Himself. by His love and grace, i am becoming more like Him, and discovering my true self, as i move away from my selfish desires and towards the life He prescribes.

i am in a state of transition, of moving towards who i want to be, and away from the habits that keep me from growing, like the well-worn ruts of a wagon trail. writing does not keep me from them, but it does help me mark the milestones of personal progress.